Browse News By Category: - Christian News
A pensioner attacked a chaplain at Rochester Cathedral in complaint of the cathedral’s crazy golf course. 
04.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The owner of a wedding venue in the US cited Christian beliefs as to why an interracial couple was not allowed to get married at the location.  
04.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Nigerian president’s office has confirmed that a Christian school girl that was kidnapped by terror group Boko Haram is still alive after being captured a year and a half ago.
04.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Three Christians have been arrested at an international arms fair. 
04.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian MP Alistair Burt is going to stand down at the next general election as the Conservative candidate for North East Bedforshire. 
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Archbishop of Canterbury has apologised for comments he made to Remainers about the Brexit referendum.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Archbishop of Canterbury has apologised for comments he made to Remainers about the Brexit referendum.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Justin Bieber’s father-in-law has explained why the pop star and his daughter want a Christian wedding ceremony.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Churches are benefiting from the support of secular charities to serve local communities according to new research.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Hurricane Dorian is more than 100 miles away from Florida, according to the National Hurricane Centre, but the state's coasts is already starting to feel some effects.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Activists from different faith communities protested the London arms fair on Tuesday, declaring “there’s no faith in war”.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A Christian Finnish MP is under investigation for criticising the Church for being an official partner of Helsinki Pride.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A US Catholic school will no longer have Harry Potter novels in its library collection after a pastor at the school complained that the curses and spells in the book can conjure real evil spirits.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Bishop of Lewes, Richard Jackson, is going to be moving to Hereford to start his role in the New Year.
03.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
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