Browse News By Category: - Christian News
An American cake maker's legal victory has sparked new optimism for Christian bakers in Northern Ireland waiting to learn whether they broke the law by refusing to decorate a cake with a pro-gay marriage slogan.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Vatican has relaxed it rules on how Catholics should spend the Sabbath.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
Openly gay Anglican priest very Rev Dr Jeffrey John has fallen at the final hurdle to become the Bishop of Brechin in Scotland.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Bishop of Kensington has suggested that it’ll take more than apportion of blame and punishment of the guilty to bring about deeper change following the Grenfell fire.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
Michael Cleere, the much loved Premier Christian Radio presenter, has died after a long battle with illness.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
US President Donald Trump has commuted the sentence of a Christian woman serving a life sentence for drug offences whose cause was championed by reality TV star Kim Kardashian West in a recent visit to the White House.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Evangelical Alliance has appointed its first head of mission to young adults as part of its drive to reach younger people with the Gospel.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The founder of Soul Survivor has said although the Christian festival will end after 2019, he plans to have other events for young people to attend.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Prince of Wales has been asked to give a witness statement to a public inquiry about a paedophile bishop who was jailed after abusing young men.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
Myanmar's military has been accused of turning its guns from Rohingya Muslims on another ethnic minority in the country, the Kachin people.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Metropolitan Police has dropped an investigation in a British clergyman - known as the Vicar of Baghdad - who was accused of sending money to Islamic State extremists.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
A nun has admitted to an inquiry that she beat and force-fed children at orphanages.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
A 100-year-old woman who had her neck broken in a street robbery on her way to church has died.
07.06.2018 · From Revealed Word
Rome’s ancient building, the Pantheon, will introduce an entry fee next May unless visitors are coming to pray.
12.12.2017 · From Revealed Word
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