Browse News By Category: - Christian News
The Trussell Trust has criticised the Chancellor's Spring Statement for not ending austerity as promised.
13.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
A US pilot has credited God for enabling him to safely land a small plane on a Michigan highway after experiencing engine trouble.
13.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Christian MP Fiona Onasanya voted in the Commons on Tuesday for the first time since her release from prison last month.
13.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
The most senior Catholic to be convicted of child sex abuse has been sentenced to six years in prison for molesting two choirboys in a Melbourne cathedral more than 20 years ago.
13.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
How the ordination of women priests changed the clerical fashion world. 
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
A devout Christian thrown off a Sheffield University social work course after being accused of posting derogatory comments about homosexuals and bisexuals on Facebook says a judge who dismissed his complaint has effectively given regulators Orwellian powers.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
A new manifesto has been launched to increase the number of BAME senior teachers in the education system.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
A Christian charity has given thanks for the "selfless contributions" made by four aid workers who died in the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crash on Sunday.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Diocese of Brooklyn has demanded "an immediate public apology" from Saturday Night Live and NBC after cast member Pete Davidson compared the Church's sex abuse scandal to allegations made against singer R Kelly.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
A Christian who was thrown off a Sheffield University social work course after being accused of posting derogatory comments about people who are homosexual and bisexual on a Facebook page has begun the latest round of a legal battle.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
Eight in 10 households affected by the benefit cap cannot escape it and should be removed from its scope, ministers have been urged.
12.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Queen has led the nation in marking Commonwealth Day, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the family of nations.
11.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian activists have poured buckets of fake blood outside Downing Street to demand greater action on climate change.
11.03.2019 · From Revealed Word
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