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A series of ads created by the government about universal credit have been banned because the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has deemed them "misleading".
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
Sudan's minister for religious affairs has insisted that property taken from Christians by extremists under the previous regime will be returned.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Catholic Church is working with Christian charity Home for Good to encourage more people to consider fostering and adoption.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
Renounced Christian and church leader Joshua Harris has said he excommunicated himself from the Christian faith because he "ruined lives".
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
An elderly Christian man has been attacked on a train in New York for sharing the gospel.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
The most senior Catholic in England and Wales has told an inquiry into child sexual abuse that the church has been "shocked to the core" by the presence of evil among its members.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
An investigation has been launched by the Catholic Church after two missionary nuns became pregnant whilst working in Africa.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
The moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland has urged young people to read a new book on the Troubles to prevent a return to the dark days.
06.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
Almost all people using food banks only have £50 a week to live off. That's one of the findings from Christian charity and NGO the Trussell Trust's latest report.
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
A new study on what people in the UK think about God and the Bible has found only 18 per cent believe the Bible is relevant to them personally despite 40 per cent identifying as Christian.
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Evangelical Alliance says proposals to change the abortion laws in Northern Ireland "exceed our worst fears".
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
Thieves used a car with a tree trunk strapped to it to smash down the door of a historic cathedral in south west France to steal several high value items.
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
International charity, Christian Aid has published its 2019 manifesto, calling for urgent action to be taken to address the environmental and economic factors contributing to poverty in the run up to the UK's forthcoming general election on 12th December.
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
Growing insecurity in Iraq and on its border could lead to a fresh exodus of Christians from the country, warns a partner of Release International, which is supporting refugees in the country.
05.11.2019 · From Revealed Word
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