Browse News By Period: 2019
A BBC two-part series starts on Friday night called 'Inside the Vatican' which follows the jobs and lives of those who work at the centre of the Catholic Church.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Methodist Church has launched a series of practical resources in a bid to better equip churches for evangelistic ministry.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian groups have welcomed an announced by the Scottish Government that it has dropped its controversial idea to appoint a state guardian for every young person in Scotland.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A robot has been introduced as a priest in a Buddhist temple in Japan, with one Catholic theologian suggesting they could work in churches too.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A charity is calling on Christians to stand with their local communities in taking action against climate change.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Archbishop of Westminster welcomed the annual report of the work of safeguarding in the Catholic Church in England & Wales.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A Christian activist group has started a petition demanding that the head of a US Christian university be criminally investigated. 
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Archdeacon of Rochdale has been elected as the next Bishop of Monmouth.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Scotland's most senior bishop has told a child abuse inquiry that as an abbot he was aware of a monk being sent to Fort Augustus Abbey because of allegations against him elsewhere.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
An 800-year-old figure of Christ that once adorned a York abbey will return to the city after nearly two centuries.
20.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Bible has almost topped a list of books adults are likely to revisit while away from home.
19.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Food banks in the Trussell Trust's network have had an increase in demand of 48% in areas where Universal Credit has been rolled out for at least two years.
19.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
A husband and wife in India have been threatened because they were handing out Christian tracts.
19.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian Aid is urging the international community not to forget the people of Syria amidst all the news about Brexit and to continue to fund humanitarian efforts. 
19.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
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