Browse News By Period: 2019
The head of the Catholic Church in Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin has spoken of his sadness that the latest search for Disappeared victim Columba McVeigh has been unsuccessful.
23.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has thanked Christians who fight for justice and help vulnerable people.
23.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Peterborough Cathedral is set to significantly reduce its carbon footprint thanks to a partnership with tea and coffee merchant Masteroast.
23.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has thanked Christians who fight for justice and help vulnerable people.
23.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Hillsong Church leader Brian Houston has denied reports that the White House didn’t want him at its state dinner with Australian leaders.
22.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
An Italian priest has offered his church’s parking spaces to the public in exchange for them reciting the Hail Mary.
22.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Church leaders in the Diocese of Rochester have called for the government to enforce stricter rules on the sale of domestic knives.
22.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The actor who plays Jesus in the world famous Oberammergau Passion Play has said hundreds of thousands of people keep coming back to watch the play because the words of Jesus will always be relevant.
22.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
More than 11,000 churches around the world dedicated all or part of their Sunday service to taking a stand against slavery and human trafficking.
22.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian anti-persecution charity Open Doors UK has said there are systematic government plans to close get rid of churches in Algeria and it’s been going on for two years.
21.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The former Catholic Bishop of Derry has died at the age of 79.
21.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Christian Aid has said the world’s largest global climate strikes that took place on Friday are a “prophetic movement”.
21.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
The Bishop of Edmonton has encouraged people to pray for justice as he was paying tribute to victims of knife and gun crimes in London. 
21.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
Church leaders in Ireland have gathered to celebrate International Day of Peace.
21.09.2019 · From Revealed Word
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