Browse News By Period: 2018
A Christian coach wants people to only check how someone is if they genuinely care about the answer.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
The lawyer for an American pastor held in Turkey on spying and terror charges has petitioned Turkey's highest court for his release.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
A shipment of Bibles destined for Sudan has finally been released after being held in Port Sudan for six years.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
A Monegasque Princess has been barred from succeeding to the British throne due to her Catholic conversion.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
Police are appealing for help to identify a man who fell ill at the Episcopal cathedral in Edinburgh and has no memory of who he is.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
Police are appealing for help to identify a man who fell ill at the Episcopal cathedral in Edinburgh and has no memory of who he is.
03.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
A study of parents and children aged 13-17 found one in five British households argue about screen time every day. 
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
Christian groups from across the UK are uniting in a bid to stir the Church into greater levels of evangelism.
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
The government has been accused of undermining marriage through its new proposals to open up civil partnerships to heterosexual couples.
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
Awards celebrating those who've welcomed refugees in the UK take place on Tuesday with many faith communities among the applicants. 
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
The release of a US pastor, imprisoned in Turkey, looks less likely following new comments from the country's president.
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Catholic Church has called for the Irish Government to step up its response to the growing homelessness crisis saying it cannot be left to the voluntary sector.
02.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
A survey of 55,000 people has found 16-24 year-olds are the most likely to report feeling lonely but Youthscape say the church can help solve this. 
01.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
Sir Cliff Richard will end his 60th anniversary tour on his 78th birthday and is hoping for "another year of the good health that God has provided". 
01.10.2018 · From Revealed Word
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