Browse News By Period: 2018
Celebrated theologian and author, NT Wright has gone on record saying that the concept of The Rapture, which was the basis of the global best selling ‘Left Behind’ series, is not in fact biblical and is a misinterpretation of what Paul intended when he wrote the letter to the church in Thessalonica.
14.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
The National Trust is working with staff in Wiltshire to ensure BC (before Christ) and AD (anno domini) are not replaced by the more modern terms, BCE 'before common era' and CE 'common era'.
14.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Lord Beith, former deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, and Catherine Stihler, Labour MEP for Scotland, have said Asia Bibi should be offered a home in the UK.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Churches have been warned that unless they work together knife crime could take 20 years to tackle in London.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Catholic church has been accused of seeing abuse victims as "third class citizens", by a man who recalled his time as a frightened schoolboy allegedly forced to kneel and pray with his trousers down at a parish priest's house.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
The Pope is giving a prominent new role to the Vatican's most experienced sex crimes investigator.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
A Labour MP plotted with her brother to evade a speeding prosecution by claiming a Russian man had been behind the wheel, a court has heard.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
A war memorial marking the centenary of the First World War has been designed by prisoners at HMP Erlestoke.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Classical singer Russell Watson has spoken of how major illness has brought him closer to God.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Brenton Brown and his family have lost almost all their possessions to a wildfire which tore through their California home.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Cardinal Vincent Nichols is said to be recovering after being taken unwell during a Remembrance service on Sunday.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
A Pentecostal church in south east London has denied engaging in so-called gay conversion therapy after an undercover reporter claimed leaders said God could "fix" him.
13.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
American preacher Rick Warren has written to his congregation to say he is recovering after surgery
12.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
Teaching children at home has risen by 78% in the last five years.
12.11.2018 · From Revealed Word
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