Browse News By Period: 2017
According to Christian charity The Barnabus Fund, Christians who want to flee Islamic State in Syria have been placed lower than Sunni Muslims on the list for receiving asylum.
31.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
Christians who want to flee Islamic State in Syria and being put lower on the list for receiving asylum than Sunni Muslims.
31.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A man who founded an event that's a Christian alternative to Halloween told Premier secularism has hijacked what the season is meant to be about.
31.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A pastor has agreed with two Radio 4 presenters have criticised the long-running religious slot 'Thought for the Day'.
31.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
The family of Catholic teacher Ann Maguire will return to court to continue their challenge against a coroner's decision not to call evidence from pupils who had contact with her schoolboy killer immediately before her murder.
31.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A church in Virginia plan to move plaques of George Washington and Robert E. Lee as they're seen as unwelcoming.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A Christian charity has added its voice to fresh calls for "outdated" divorce laws in England and Wales to be changed.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
Coptic Christians in the south of Egypt have renewed calls for an end to discrimination, after a number of churches have been closed down in recent weeks.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A Christian Democratic Unionist Party MP told Premier he was frustrated that the deadlock in Stormont had been going on since January.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A Christian who fled Pakistan because of persecution for his Christian faith, has been beaten up in Derby.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
Christian Conservative MP Stephen Crabb is one of two MPs facing allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards women.
30.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
The Scottish Government could face a legal challenge over its controversial decision to allow women to take abortion pills at home.
29.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
The vice-president of Nigeria has called on Christian leaders in the country to ignore claims of an “Islamic agenda” and instead focus on a “Christian agenda”.
29.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
A Bishop in the Republic of Ireland is urging all road users to take extra care this October bank holiday weekend.
29.10.2017 · From Revealed Word
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