Browse News By Period: 2016
The Archbishop of York has warned against other European nations perceiving Britain to be a "soft touch" during the migrant crisis.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Van Gogh painting of his father's church has been recovered by anti-Mafia police after it was stolen in 2002.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Christian safeguarding expert has said the national inquiry into child abuse is "at an all-time low" after its top two lawyers both resigned.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
Thousands of lives have been saved after a Christian charity worked to voluntarily remove more than 24,000 knives and guns from UK streets since 2009. 
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
The appeal of an American pastor charged under anti-terrorism laws in Russia resumed on Friday.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
Legendary Bible translator William Tyndale's being honoured with a 24-hour Bible read in Gloucestershire.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
The Archbishop of York has said other European nations have seen Britain as a "soft touch" during the migrant crisis.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
The appeal of an American pastor charged under anti-terrorism laws in Russia resumed on Friday.
30.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
Confidence among Protestants in Turkey's justice system has been severely damaged after a gang convicted of killing three Christians were allowed to walk free, a church leader has warned.
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A priest from a church near to the scene of a train crash in New Jersey has appealed for prayers for all those affected.
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A teenager in Singapore has been sentenced to six weeks in jail for "wounding the religious feelings of Christians and Muslims." 
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
The lawyer of Asia Bibi has exclusively told Premier of her desperate situation as she waits to appeal her death sentence.
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Christian sports ministry says believers have a "responsibility" to tackle any corruption they see in football, after a string of bribery allegations emerged.
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
A group of evangelical Christians say they have been barred from holding public prayer meetings ahead of upcoming elections in Nicaragua.
29.09.2016 · From Revealed Word
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