Browse News By Period: 2016
It is possible actor Richard Gere could attend a church in South Yorkshire celebrating 400 years since Britons first sailed to the America.
14.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church's visit to Britain should be used to improve diplomatic relations at a time when Britain's relationship with Moscow "is perhaps not all it should be", MPs have heard.
14.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
The King of Bahrain has permitted the building of what will be only the second official church in the country.
14.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Church groups planning a visit from a clown are being urged not to cancel the visit in response to the "killer clown" craze sweeping across Britain.
14.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
An Anglican priest from Syria has told Premier peace in his home-country is only achievable through discussions, as the UK government calls for a meeting to discuss options, including a military response.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Any move by the government to start the process of withdrawal from the EU without allowing MPs a vote on the terms of negotiations would be "deeply inconsistent" with democracy, according to the Church of Scotland.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Christian MP has warned the company which makes some of our best known products not to punish British shoppers because the pound's dropped in value.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
York Minster has sacked all 30 of its church bell ringers because of health and safety concerns.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
US pastor Judah Smith says he has learned more from pop star Justin Bieber "than he could ever have learned from me".
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Five bishops will take part in discussions in Colombia to try and broker a new peace deal for the country between the government and rebel forces. 
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A teenage couple carried out detailed plans for the double killing of a church-going woman and her daughter in Lincolnshire virtually to the letter, a court has been told.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Thousands of riot police have been deployed across Islamabad amid fears of violence after a Pakistani court postponed the appeal of a Asia Bibi, a Christian woman on death row.
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has publicly told Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to fire one of her aides over leaked emails that appear to disparage Catholic support. 
13.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
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