Browse News By Period: 2016
It's been reported that children have pelted two priests in Germany with stones shouting 'Allahu Akbar', which means 'God is great' in Arabic.
30.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio has called a previous meeting with Pope Francis "a profound experience," ahead of his new film which features the pontiff.
30.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Nuns in Italy have run for their lives after a 6.6 earthquake destroyed a cathedral and basilica.
30.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Bristol church is holding the first ever "Heavy Metal Mass" service the day before Halloween.
30.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Steve Chalke will host a "renaming ceremony" at his church on Sunday for a transgender man who was born intersex. 
30.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A church verger in Suffolk has been given a restraining order and ordered to pay hundreds of pounds after abusing an elderly woman.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Former Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett's called for a ban on all money-making Christmas promotions until December to "restore some meaning" to the celebration.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
The head of the Catholic Education Service has said it will be "dreadful" if faith schools exploit new rules to take children from only their religion.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Satanist group is trying to start clubs in Christian schools across America, in an attempt to stop groups which share the Good News of Jesus with children.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Satanist group is trying to start after-school clubs in Christian schools across America, in an attempt to stop groups which share the Good News of Jesus with children.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Former Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett's called for a ban on all money-making Christmas promotions until December to "restore some meaning" to the celebration.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
Exeter Cathedral has released a prayer for the city as a fire continues to rage in the centre.
29.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A government minister has announced plans to visit every cathedral in England over the course of a year.
28.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Christian aid organisation is preparing for the "worst" as reports from Mosul suggest that ISIS are using civilians as human shields.
28.10.2016 · From Revealed Word
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