Browse News By Period: 2016
The Bishop of Clifton has called for an end to the targeting of civilians in the conflict in Syria, particularly in East Aleppo.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Christian charity has welcomed the Turkish government's decision to withdraw a proposal that would have allowed men accused of sexually abusing under-age girls to go free, if they were married to their victims.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
One Cumbria church hit by bad weather last winter is encouraging others to "get their hands dirty" and help communities across the UK affected by the recent storms.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
The Catholic Church in Scotland has developed a new app to help people there find their nearest Mass and Confession.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
Sir Cliff Richard has exclusively told Premier his faith in God is stronger than it's ever been.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
Members of a house church in central China deemed to be illegal are continuing to risk arrest by defying a government order that they stop meeting.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
The British artist David Hockney is to design a stained glass window in Westminster Abbey to celebrate the Queen Elizabeth II's reign.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
A vicar has said his church feels 'devastated' and 'betrayed' after a trainee minister and treasurer stole more than £30,000 to fund his gambling addiction.
22.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
More than three million people have watched a video of the Georgian Orthodox Patriarch baptising children on Facebook.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
The Archbishop of Canterbury has met with persecuted Christians in Pakistan to express solidarity with them and their communities.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
Christian mothers are significantly happier in their relationships than those who do not hold a faith, a new report has concluded.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
Catholic women who have undergone an abortion are keeping their right to ask a local priest to absolve them, Pope Francis has said.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
A Church of England school in York's hoping to take the world by storm with a new Christmas album, raising money for York Air Ambulance.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
Catholic bishops in India say they are "very saddened" by a train crash yesterday in which 145 people are now known to have died.
21.11.2016 · From Revealed Word
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