Browse Articles By Period: 2017
"Every revival produces a pair of twins. One is a spiritual man; the other one is a natural man of the earth, "I joined the church, I'm just as good as anybody." And that's what this revival produced. That's what, every revival. That's what Luther's produced, that's what Irenaeus' produced, that's w…

  Category: Message of the hour

  26.03.2017 ·   Bro Alex Ukeni
Is there an eight Messenger promised to the gentile church? Let us search and find the Scriptural answer..

  Category: Bible Study

  08.03.2017 ·   Bro Alex Ukeni
The file is a compilation and study aimed at clarifying the Five-fold Ministry of Ephesians 4:11 You will thoroughly enjoy the teaching.

  Category: Bible Study

  05.03.2017 ·   Bro Alex Ukeni
A compilation of Scriptures and quotes stipulating the stages and steps towards a Biblical wedding.

  Category: Bible Study

  05.03.2017 ·   Bro Alex Ukeni
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